
User Guide

Clanki is a command-line interface (CLI) application for managing flashcards. It allows users to create, manage and study flashcards to assist them with memorisation by using a technique called spaced repetition.

Quick start

  1. Ensure you have Java 11 or above installed.

  2. Download the latest version of Clanki from here.

  3. Copy the file to the folder you want to use as the home folder for Clanki.

  4. Open a command terminal, cd into the folder you put the jar file in, and use the java -jar clanki.jar command to run the application. You should be greeted with Welcome to Clanki! Time to start studying! after a few seconds.

  5. Type the command in the command box and press Enter to execute it. Some example commands you can try:

    • add /q what is the worst fruit? /a durian: Add a flashcard with Question: What is the worst fruit? and Answer: Durian to the list of flashcards.

    • review: Go through the flashcards that are due today.

    • bye: Exit the app.

  6. Refer to the Features below for details of each command.


Square brackets indicate optional sections of the syntax.

Adding a flashcard



add /q What is the worst fruit? /a Durian
You have added the following card:
Q: What is the worst fruit?
A: Durian
add /a 果物 /q What is the Japanese word for "fruit"?
You have added the following card:
Q: What is the Japanese word for "fruit"?
A: 果物

Review flashcards



> review
There are 2 cards available for review today.
Q: What is the worst fruit? (ENTER to view answer)
A: Durian
Did you get it right? (y/n) n
No worries, we will try again later today.
Q: What is the Japanese word for "fruit"? (ENTER to view answer)
A: 果物
Did you get it right? (y/n) y
Great, you got it right!
Q: What is the worst fruit? (ENTER to view answer)
A: Durian
Did you get it right? (y/n) y
Great, you got it right!
Congrats! You have reviewed all the flashcards due today!

Update flashcards

update QUERY


update fruit
Found 2 card(s) with query "fruit":
Q: What is the worst fruit?
A: Durian
Q: What is the Japanese word for "fruit"?
A: 果物
Which one do you want to update?
1 /q What is the best fruit?
Understood. The card has been updated to
Q: What is the best fruit?
A: Durian

Delete a flashcard

delete QUERY


delete fruit
Found 2 card(s) with query "fruit":
Q: What is the best fruit?
A: Durian
Q: What is the Japanese word for "fruit"?
A: 果物
Which one do you want to delete?
Got it. Deleted the flashcard at index 2

Delete all flashcards in the list


Delete all the flashcards in the list.


All flashcards have been deleted.
Your list of flashcards is now empty.

List all flashcards

list all

Display the questions and answers for all the flashcards in the list that have been added by the user, regardless of the date.


list all
Here is your list of flashcards:
Q: What is the biggest animal in the world
A: Antartic blue whale
Q: What are the best food for health
A: Lemons
Q: What colour is the sun
A: Red

List flashcards with specific due date


Display the questions and answers for all the flashcards in the list that has the due date specified by the user

list 2023-04-15
Here is your list of flashcards:
Q: What is the biggest animal in the world
A: Antartic blue whale
Q: What are the best food for health
A: Lemons
Q: What colour is the sun
A: Red

Help menu


Display the list of possible commands the user can input.


The following are the commands you can use:
add     Adds a flashcard to the current list of flashcards.
        Parameters: add /q QUESTION /a ANSWER
        Example: add /q What is the worst fruit? /a Durian
update  Changes the content of flashcard's question or answer.
        Parameters: update QUERY
        Example: update fruit
        Which flashcard do you want to update? 1 /q What is the best fruit?
delete  Removes a flashcard with specified string.
        Parameters: delete QUERY
        Example: delete fruit
review  Go through all flashcards that are due today.
list    Lists out the questions and answers in the list of flashcards.
        Parameters: list all (lists all flashcards)
        Parameters: list DUE_DATE (list all flashcards with that specified due date)
        Example: list 2023-05-04
clear   Deletes all the flashcards in the list.
bye     Exit the program.

Exit program


Exit the program. Bye.